About Us
TravellerEvictions.com operates on a National basis with coverage extending throughout England & Wales. Knowledge is power when it comes to evicting travellers, squatters and trespassers and return the property that is rightfully yours, our experience is vast, it has been gained over many years and thousands of evictions.
Our Certificated Enforcement Agents each have an average of 15 years’ experience which is why we at TravellerEvictions.com we naturally obtain faster results for clients.
Our experienced office staff and enforcement agents are reliable, trustworthy and full of knowledge, with years of experience behind them all. When it comes to enforcing and evicting there is no stone left unturned when our enforcement agents are in attendance.
We offer a truly professional service, once your instruction is received your case will be assigned to a specific case handler. This person will then be your office point of contact throughout the lifespan of your instruction, they will be available by phone and email even outside of normal office hours for you to talk to.
We provide full detailed reports to clients usually after an eviction was carried out. Our reports will provide clients with information such as;
• Date and time of arrival and time of departure of premises
• Who was met at the time of visit including the outcome of any conversations
• Photographs taken by the enforcement agent. Useful for highlighting any concerns the enforcement agent has raised, security issues, condition of building etc.
• Any future recommendations or concerns that might have been highlighted to the agent whilst in attendance.
TravellerEviction.com – Head Office
Part of the Collect My Debt Group of Companies
85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London, W1W 7LT
How to contact us:
Phone: 0800 612 5161
Fax: 0845 643 5162
E-mail: info@collectmydebt.co.uk
Company registration number: 10002804
Please note: All written correspondence is to be sent to our Head Office only, unless stated otherwise.
TravellerEviction.com Head Office
Part of the Collect My Debt Group of Companies
85 Great Portland Street, First Floor, London, W1W 7LT